This is a distraction. I should be buying toiletries or sorting travellers cheques, possibly looking into insurance policies that cover 6 months of travel in Nepal and India, I’m pretty sure my free travel insurance that my bank provides does not. Instead I have left these things to Fran who I’m sure is currently finding something equally distracting to do.
In the three months since we conceived this trip the planning has been vague.
In the three months since we conceived this trip the planning has been vague.
“lets go to Russia China and India, all overland. No planes!” “Ok. Can we then go to Australia” “Ok. We may have to fly that bit.....Ill see if there is a boat”
After this conversation we looked at a map assumed it would be easy and told some people what we had planed to do. It got to a point where we had done little towards the journey, so we made a commitment and bought some cheap Eurostar tickets to Brussels. (we could always do a day trip). It wasn’t until Fran handed in her notice that we started to sort stuff out. Since then we have found distraction after distraction not to do stuff towards our travel, despite being hugely committed to it.
That is why I’m doing what I’m doing now , to being hugely distracted... “I know Ill start my blog, it really does need to be started”. I have been fairly productive today. I have organised all the new stuff I have bought for my journey, which I have photographed for you, with my new camera, all of which will go into my new bag, all of which was bought online while I was meant to looking up things like what not to eat in the middle of the Gobi desert or do Russians still like English men.
Yes I have actualy got me a Trilby for the trip.
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