Monday, 8 September 2008

“I have lost the tickets to London”

I am writing this from London, so we shall cut a long story short and conclude that I found the tickets. They were in the bin. I am can to report that I am now no longer in charge of tickets.
We are packed and ready to go, Fran’s tears for her good byes have dried and I have buterflys in my tummy, I would image that if I was 9 then tomorrow would be Christmas, I am that excited! I am also sure that I will not sleep a wink tonight in anticipation of the alarm going off and the nagging in the back of my mind “where are the tickets”.
As this is a Travel blog I shall quickly mention some travelling. First class on trains in England is amazing, everyone is quiet, the seats are big and comfy and you all get a table to eat you packed lunch on.
We hit our fist obstacle today, we turned up to the Indian embassy at about 10.30 to register for our visas, the department according to the embassy website closes for the morning at 11.
“how many people would be registering for an Indian visa? On a Monday”
“you have come to the wrong office sir”
We arrived at the new streamline visa place and took a ticket numbered 2543, the display read 0567. We were also given a form to fill in to pass the time. “Two identical passport photos required”, “ah look a photo booth”. While Fran was posing I read on, “black Ink MUST be used”. I looked around and everyone seemed to be using their black pens, “I’ll just nip to the stationers across the road “ It was then I overheard this conversation.
“excuse me, how long will I take”
“Im not sure, there are a lot of people here”
“No, not now. How long to get our Visa”
“About 3 working days”
To resolve the problem I we went to Argos and brought a £14.99, chrome, water resistant Casio watch and decided that we could easily get Indian Visas in Kathmandu . During the Argos watch buying I got slow order rage, inwardly, and my buy yourself out of misery plan didn’t work. I then developed raincoat envy, it wasn’t raining but we took them with us just incase, Frans packs down to a tennis ball, while mine a meagre Yorkshire Terrier size. This was quickly resolved and I felt three times better, I now have a equally small raincoat, it was cheaper than Frans and I now have two raincoats.
Christmas is tomorrow, I wonder what Eurostar Santa will bring.

1 comment:

dad and sar said...

glad to hear things are going well !!